The Margomarem Rural Area combines several villages in Garung District, Regency Wonosobo, Central Java Province. Referring to local government regulations, Margomarem Village will be developed into a tourist village area. This action is supported by the Margomarem Rural Area Development Plan. This area consists of five villages: Maron Village, Tlogo Village, Menjer Village, Larangan Lor Village, and Mlandi Village. Menjer Village is the center of the movement in and out of the Margomarem area. Judging from its existing condition, the Margomarem area has the potential to be developed as a natural and cultural tourist destination. Based on this potential, the development of the Margomarem area raises the vision of "Realizing the Margomarem Rural Area into a Synergized, Prosperous, and Independent Agro-Geo-Tourism Rural Area."
The development of the Margomarem area is based on several considerations regarding geography, economy, and tourism. Physically, Margomarem Village has an attractive landscape and has become one of the tourist destinations in Wonosobo. This area is also traversed by the alternative route of the Dieng Plateau. The natural conditions also support the development of agriculture, plantations, and tourism seen from the abundant agricultural and plantation production. The existence of this potential opens up opportunities for the development of Margomarem for agro-tourism activities, agrarian education, nature, and tourism. Based on the above, it is concluded there are 3 (three) main aspects that focus on Margomarem's development. First, the formation of the area into an agropolitan area. Second is the use of technology in getting to an agropolitan site in agricultural cultivation, processing, and post-harvest handling. Third, geosite development in the planning of the Dieng Plateau Geopark. Agropolitan and Geosite are managed jointly by the surrounding community with available resources to become the main attraction of the Margomarem Rural area with agro-geo tourism.
There are five potential development points that are planned to be built in the Margomarem Rural area. These potential points are developed based on the previously mentioned concepts. The first development point is the Agricultural Processing Center which functions as a development center for horticultural and plantation commodity processing. To support agricultural education to be realized, a second development point was created as an agricultural education point in the form of gardens, shelters, farmhouses, fruit/vegetable picking gardens as agro-tourism development and experiences to learn agriculture directly with mountain views and atmosphere. The third development point is the Embung area as an area for irrigating agricultural land with a dual function as a stopover point and a center for local specialties. Next, there is the Margomarem Regional Center as the fourth development point, which is the BumdesMa business center and the marketing center for MSME/Prukades products which is realized in the form of a local market. Within this area center, it is also planned to build a green area, plaza, cafe and restaurant which will also function as a rest area to Dieng. Finally, to strengthen the branding of the Margomarem Rural Area, there is a fifth development point, namely regional landmarks in the form of signage which becomes a marker to make it physically clear as well as a welcome area to the area.