Fadhila Nur Latifah Sani, S.PWK
Chief Innovation & Operational Officer
Award & Certification
Kontributor Nekropolis

Fadhila leads the Innovation and Operational team, overseeing all aspects of internal organization affairs, branding, and innovation efforts which include human resources, finance, administration, digital marketing, knowledge management, and event organizations.  After finishing her study in Urban and Regional Planning, in which she dove into issues that concerned her (urban development, sustainability, and inclusivity, among many others), she joined Shirvano's team as an urban planner and researcher. She put her experience in workshops and competitions on design and innovation to develop a rural planning idea and framework which started out rural masterplan projects in the coming years. Later on, she also helped conclude Shirvano's own research on Millenials' housing preferences and challenges. She was made Chief Innovation Officer and then Chief Innovation and Operational Officer later on in her career. The growing responsibilities challenge her to grow along with her team and explore many subjects out of her comfort zone. She hopes to be able to grow talents to their best potential and further contribute to the growth of planning & design knowledge. Enjoying learning, walking, reading, and writing in her spare time, her stories on life can be found on her medium page.

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