Wrap Up Rembug Bareng #10: TOD (Current Implementation and Future Prospect)

July 05 , 2022

In this session, there are two speakers that will share their knowledge about Transit Oriented Development based on their expertise. The first speaker is Ms. Deliani Siregar, Senior Urban Planning Gender & Social Inclusion Associate at ITDP Indonesia, and Mr. Ibnu Mahmud Junaidi, Business Development Manager at PT. Adhi Commuter Property. In the first session, Ms. Deliani Siregar from ITDP shared 4 important things about TOD. Started with, why TOD? development facts, misperception about TOD, and development challenges.

There are four topics that Ms. Deliani shared from her perspective about TOD. The first one is why TOD? To answer this question, first thing first, Ms. Deliani defines 8 principles on the development of TOD and the importance of these principles;

  1. The availability of mass transportation
  2. High connectivity within the area
  3. Walking is the main mobility option in the area
  4. Cycling as the primary option for further mobility
  5. A compact area pays attention to the connection between buildings
  6. Varies of land use within the area
  7. Growth density in the region to maximize the acceptance of the benefits of public transport
  8. The change in transportation mode will be automatically encouraged and create new habits

The fact is, there are still some problems with the on-site development. From unclear institutional schemes, and sometimes the TOD development that is directed away from Jakarta encourages new urban sprawl in certain development areas. Though the TOD term is already quite common in the Jakarta area, there are still some misperceptions about TOD.

  1. TOD is not a node. The TOD transit should not be limited by rail-based public transportation stations.
  2. TOD is not only about residential. TOD should all be about mixed-use, mixed activity, and mixed-income.
  3. Near ≠ accessible. It’s not a matter of how close to a certain facility is, but it is about how inclusive it is to be accessed by all people.
  4. Urban sprawl is not TOD.

Last but not least, the development of TOD also is not easy and often faced with many challenges. Starting from land ownership issues, existing buildings, and infrastructure within the development area, political will, funding, and land valuation. The developer that will develop the TOD should be able to ensure that the offered concept is emphasizing convenient access to public transportation and non-motorized vehicle, also prioritizing vulnerable groups in cities. Challenge such as land consolidation needs a lot of time and cost. There is also limited power in holistic planning and management, and participatory in development and implementation.

Shifting into the developer’s perspective, Mr. Ibnu Mahmud Junaidi, Business Development Manager at PT. Adhi Commuter Property shared what are PT. Adhi Commuter Property’s TOD projects, concepts and principles used, and current implementation and challenges. Focused on Jabodebek area, PT. Adhi Commuter Property or ADCP projects mainly focused on property development in certain transit station areas to create TOD. Their property development products are LRT City, Adhi City, Grandhika Hotel, and members of LRT City such as Grand Central Bogor and Cisauk Point.

ADCP’s concept is to re-think customers’ viewpoint of railway stations from ‘railway station we pass through, to ‘railway stations where we gather. Not much different from ITDP’s principle about TOD, there are five ADCP’s TOD principles applied to their project. They are

  1. Walkable
  2. Mixed-use
  3. Densify
  4. Connect
  5. Shift and transit.

These principles have been implemented in their current projects such as LRT City Bekasi, LRT City Sentul, and LRT City Jatibening. From the developer’s viewpoint, ADCP’s TOD development challenges are also pretty similar to the challenges that have been explained by Ms. Deliani. First, there are regulation challenges, including land use, parking ratio, and TOD management. Second, there is the accessibility to the station/mass transportation that is still not adequate. Last, is the importance of collaboration between stakeholders to create a transit-oriented area.

Want to know more about this discussion? Please visit this link.