Navigating Indonesia's Toll Roads: Rest Areas, Development, and Infrastructure Management

May 07 , 2024

In facilitating the mobility of Indonesian society, toll roads have undergone significant development over time. These toll roads need to be equipped with supporting infrastructure that can facilitate the needs and comfort in the mobility process, supported by Rest Areas. Rest areas are not only places to rest but also crucial points in the journey where users can refuel and dine.

However, there are challenges in the construction of rest areas, including location, financing, and resource availability. Therefore, smart and innovative design strategies are needed to address this, focusing on accessibility for all users, including people with disabilities. Besides serving as rest areas, they are also expected to serve as educational spaces, providing information about local tourist attractions and SME products, as well as contributing to environmental preservation and the local economy.


Indonesia's Toll Road Network Growth Over Time

From 1978 to mid-January 2024, the total length of toll roads in Indonesia has reached 2,816 km, divided into Java Island 1,782.47 km, Sumatra Island 865.43 km, Kalimantan Island 97.27 km, Sulawesi Island 61.64 km, and Bali Island 10.07 km.

All toll roads operated in Indonesia are managed by 59 Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) on 73 toll road sections, which include 134 Rest and Service Areas (TIP) of types A, B, and C.

Previously, in 2023, the operational toll roads were 217.77 km long. In 2024, the government targets to develop toll roads up to 356.41 km in various regions across Indonesia.


The Design and Regulations of Rest Areas on Indonesia's Toll Roads

Rest areas have specific types and distances designed based on intervals between each rest area to ensure comfortable driving activities. According to the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Regulation No. 10/PRT/M/2018 concerning Rest Areas and Service on Toll Roads, Article 8 on TIP (Rest and Service Areas), each Rest Area has location intervals with the following provisions:


1. Type A TIP:

a. Provide a minimum of 1 Rest Area every 50 km for each direction.

b. Type A Rest Areas are at least 20 km apart from the next Type A Rest Area.

c. Type A Rest Areas are at least 10 km apart from Type B Rest Areas.


2. Type B TIP:

a. Type B Rest Areas are located on inter-city toll roads with a length of more than 30 km.

b. Type B Rest Areas are at least 10 km apart from the next Type B Rest Area.


3. Type C TIP:

a. Type C Rest Areas are 2 km apart from Type A, Type B, and other Type C Rest Areas.

*) Type C Rest Areas are only operated during long holidays, Eid/national Christmas, and New Year periods.


Additionally, the presence of Rest Areas is also expected to serve as an educational space by providing information about various aspects, such as tourist attractions and showcasing a variety of local Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) products and the development of surrounding areas.

Currently, there are a total of 1,850 MSME outlets spread across all Toll Road Rest Areas, with MSMEs accounting for 72% and non-MSMEs for 28% of TIPs, allowing toll road users to obtain local specialty products with local brands as souvenirs, which can have a positive impact on the local economy.


Best Practice Design of Rest Areas on Indonesia's Toll Roads

  • Rest Area Heritage 260B

Unique and distinct from others, this rest area building was originally a sugar factory built in 1908, which was later converted into a rest area while retaining the original form of the old building. This rest area can accommodate up to 10 thousand visitors on a 10.6-hectare land, with approximately 158 MSME tenants.

  • Pendopo 456 Rest Area

Traditional yet modern, this is the design embodied in the rest area building at KM 456 on the Semarang – Solo Toll Road (Salatiga). The pendopo building represents the traditional element desired while maintaining modernity in terms of interior and layout. This rest area is connected to each other (KM 456A & 456B) via a skybridge.

  • 88 Rest Area

The presence of supporting facilities such as a comfortable mosque is an added value for a rest area. The 88 KM rest area on the Cipularang Toll Road has a comfortable mosque with beautiful and iconic architecture, namely the Mandiri Syariah Mosque at Rest Area KM 88A, and the Al-Safar Mosque at KM 88B.