Masterplan Smart City Kota Banjarmasin

Banjarmasin Condition 

The trend of economic growth has increased. In 2021, it is projected that the Financial Services, Wholesale and Retail Trade, and Transportation and Warehousing sectors will still dominate the economic structure of Banjarmasin City. The City of Banjarmasin has a human development index of 75.94% in terms of social and cultural aspects. Population projection in 2021, Banjarmasin City will have a population of 729,466. River activities characterize the society and culture of Banjarmasin City. The city of Banjarmasin used to develop centrally and linearly around the river. The high dynamics of the town cause changes in urban development to spread. In advancing technology, the City of Banjarmasin has an application called Ayoke Banjarmasin to support the tourism sector and public services.

Society Behaviour and Expectations

Society Behaviour

  • People tend to do activities near the river, especially in terms of trade
  • Community culture is river culture
  • Religious society
  • Not aware of the environmental needs and impact

Harapan Masyarakat

  • River tourism development
  • Even distribution of community welfare
  • Improvement of facilities and infrastructure as well as public services
  • Improvement in general security and order disturbances

Regional Readiness Analysis and Regional Readiness Score

The analysis was carried out on various aspects, including aspects of the regional structure, regional infrastructure, superstructure, and nature & culture. These four aspects are pillars of regional readiness to realize a smart city. These aspects were analyzed using the SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) method. After the data processing and scoring process were carried out, the City of Banjarmasin had a Smart City Maturity score of 7.37 (high readiness).

pilar smart city


Strategy to Actualize Banjarmasin Smart City

In determining the strategy, the Shirvano Consulting team uses six dimensions of the smart city framework to carry out development in a comprehensive and interrelated manner. From there emerged several strategies which are broad as follows:

  1. Improved transportation systems that are integrated and follow the topographical shape to help the mobility of citizens.
  2. Provision of creative working space as a place for residents to be creative and do work
  3. Restore Banjarmasin as a 'river city' by developing infrastructure for river-based activities and utilizing information technology in data management.
  4. Utilize e-commerce and other information technology as a means of trade.
  5. Reviving Banjarmasin as a city of a thousand rivers with the development of the tourism sector.
  6. Adding resources in the IT sector to maximize the use of existing information technology and bring up new technologies such as applications for MSMEs, speed up internet access, and equitable internet access to rural areas.
Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Banjarmasin
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