Green Infrastructure Insight

Research & Ideas
March 08 , 2022

Green Infrastructure is a planning model that the Governor of Florida first implemented to benefit land conservation. Furthermore, Green Infrastructure became widely known as a planning method that provides many advantages, especially in environmental aspects. Ecosystem services offered from the use of Green Infrastructure are more profitable than conventional development and ecosystem valuation. Besides that, it can also reduce energy use, help prevent disasters, increase local economic potential, reduce CO2, reduce UHI, protect wild animals and wild plants, etc. However, this advantage comes with challenges, including differences in the physical condition of the area, lack of related knowledge, or cost issues. In finding the proper steps in dealing with the previous challenges, this research will discuss based on the cities that have implemented Green Infrastructure and then examine how the cities face these challenges.

Author: Aarth Hutabarat

Want to know more? Read the full research at the following link!