Wrap Up Rembug Bareng 20: Designing Green Building, Investing in Sustainability

April 04 , 2024

Ade Nurma (Architectural Designer, Shirvano Consulting)
Introduction to Green Building


Buildings themselves contribute to 40% of the world's primary energy consumption and are responsible for one-third of global CO2 emissions, making the implementation of green building principles crucial. Green Building is about designing energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings, not just about incorporating greenery. The design of green buildings is regulated by the government through Regulation No. 21 of 2021 on the Assessment of Green Building Performance by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, and by the Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) through criteria such as:

- Site Management
- Energy Use Efficiency
- Water Use Efficiency
- Indoor Air Quality
- Environmentally Friendly Materials
- Waste Management
- Wastewater Management


Designing Green Buildings - Energy Efficiency Strategies
Fathin Sabbiha Wismadi
Research Energy Efficiency Building at Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)


Green building is a concept that encompasses the life cycle of a building with principles of environmental responsibility, resource efficiency, and enhancing user comfort. It involves every stage from the initial production of building materials, design, construction processes, to the end of the building's life or demolition. Green building also involves a structured and measurable design process considering long-term environmental effects.

Green Building = Measurable Buildings -> "If we can measure it, we can manage and improve it."

Green building approaches involve:
- Passive strategies (Sunlight Shading & Daylighting, Natural Ventilation, Dynamic Facade)
- Active Strategies (Air-conditioning, Mechanical Ventilation, Lighting Technologies)
- Smart Energy Management (Building Automation, Smart Building, Plug Load Management)
- Renewable Energy (Site Optimization, Solar PV, Buildings-to-Grid Integration)

There is also the concept of NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building), which is a more advanced concept than green building, where buildings consume as much energy as they produce.

One of the obstacles to implementing green building is cost, as each building typology has different expenditure percentages and payback periods. Generally, the cost of implementing green building concepts is 1-5% higher than conventional buildings. The payback period for green buildings ranges from about 2-9 years depending on the building typology.

Theoretical and practical implementation of green building can provide benefits such as:
- Improving indoor air quality, affecting the health and comfort of occupants
- Energy savings leading to lower operational costs
- Adding property value
- Resource use efficiency
- Carbon emission reduction


Management of Green Buildings (BGH) in Indonesia
Heidi Aisha
Green Building Facilitator in Indonesia's Ministry of Public Works and Housing


  • BGH Strategies & Policies

BGH has principles that support development while considering environmental, social, and economic factors, referring to Article 3 of Regulation No. 21 of 2021. BGH is divided into 2 categories: mandatory and recommended. Buildings that are mandatory to implement BGH include buildings from classes 4 to 9b with various types and areas. The stages of BGH implementation are binding on all aspects from programming, planning, to building demolition with adaptable assessment devices.

Total assessment points: 165, with 3 predicates:
1. Main BGH
Value: ≥132 | Assessment Achievement Percentage: ≥80%
2. Intermediate BGH
Value: 108 - 131 | Assessment Achievement Percentage: 65 - 79%
3. Prima BGH
Value: 75 - 107 | Assessment Achievement Percentage: 45 - 64%

  • Incentives in BGH Implementation

BGH implementation incentives are the authority of District/City Governments based on Article 122 of Government Regulation 16 of 2021. Incentives come in various forms such as:
- Relief of levies and service fees
- Compensation in the form of additional building floor coefficients
- Awards in the form of certificates, plaques, etc.
- Publicity and/or promotion incentives.
Economic Value of Carbon
Reduction of building operational costs

  • Collaboration in BGH Implementation

In the scope of governance, synergistic cooperation between the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, ESDM in terms of energy conservation, and the Ministry of Home Affairs related to BGH target achievement in regions is needed. This inter-ministerial cooperation aims to achieve the Building Sector NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) target in 2030 and Net Zero Emission Building target in 2060.
BGH implementation certainly needs to be supported by pentahelix collaboration involving not only the government but also the community, academia, business actors, and the media.


Green Building Introduction
M. Rizky Waskito Ariwibowo
Executive Director at Green Building Council Indonesia


GBCI (Green Building Council Indonesia) has been an established member of the World Green Building Council since 2017 with 10 representatives in Indonesia, and implements the GREENSHIP rating tools. GREENSHIP is considered the most optimal and suitable rating tool in Indonesia. There are 6 categories of GREENSHIP assessment based on point achievement:

1. Appropriate Site Development
2. Energy Efficiency and Conservation
3. Water Conservation
4. Material Resource and Cycle
5. Indoor Health and Comfort
6. Building Environment Management

The GREENSHIP certification process for green buildings includes:

In addition to green building certification, GREENSHIP also has a new certification for Net Zero Buildings with two certification levels: NZ Ready and NZ Certified. Unlike green building assessments based on points, the achievement of this Net Zero certification is based on the implementation of renewable energy that can balance the energy needs of the building.


Green Building is not only about making buildings green with plants but also about applying concepts that are responsible for the environment and sustainable throughout the building's life cycle. It is also important to know that green building is a measurable concept, so buildings that apply this concept can be managed well from the beginning to the end of their life cycle.