In planning an urban area, many regulations cover the implementation rules. One of the regulations governing regional spatial planning is the RDTR. RDTR is a plan that defines blocks in a functional area as the elaboration of activities into a spatial form that considers the interrelationships between exercises in an available site to create a harmonious environment between the main activities and supporting activities in the functional area. The RDTR, compiled with zoning regulations, is an integral part of a specific area, including Wonosobo.
Wonosobo is a regency in Central Java located right in the middle of the island of Java. Geographically, the area is surrounded by Mount Sindoro-Sumbing and is bordered by the Menoreh mountains. The location of Wonosobo is quite strategic because of its position as a node towards the Dieng KSPN area in the development of the DIY-Central Java regional tourism collaboration and a link between two national strategic areas (Dieng Plateau and Borobudur Temple Area). In the historical context, Wonosobo Regency has never been separated from the Dieng mountains in terms of economic prestige and cultural and natural tourism.
Wonosobo, as a rural highland city, is a center of government, trade and services, and tourism supported by agricultural agro-industrial activities. The Wonosobo urban area is regulated as a Regional Activity Center (PKW) and a center for government services, trade, services, education, and health for the surrounding sub-districts. As PKW, Urban Wonosobo also serves several districts/cities, such as wholesale shopping activities and social and economic services. To support this, Wonosobo, through the Wonosobo Urban Goals 2039, is directed to become an attractive, productive, and competitive livable city supported by trade-services, tourism, and agro-industry sectors.
The development of Wonosobo Regency carries the value of "The Soul of Java," following the philosophy or values of Javanese life. This concept is then reduced to 5 elements. Livable Cities develop a comfortable environment and atmosphere in a city. Rural Development is a process that encourages people who live outside urban areas to improve their welfare, for example in agricultural operations. Next is the Growth Pole element, where economic growth is not uniform across all regions but is around a specific pole center. To support the tourism sector, aspects of eco-tourism pay attention to the condition of natural areas after environmental conservation, support the welfare of local communities, and link interpretation with education. The last element, Environmental Conservation, considers that the leading causes of damage to an ecosystem are pollution and human activities. This element focuses on human efforts to save endangered species in the natural environment.
The concept of developing Wonosobo is then translated into a spatial aspect through the concept of urban space, which presents a strategy of decentralizing urban activities under the potential of the city's sub-regions. In the process, the development of this spatial pattern plan takes into account the existing conditions of Wonosobo Regency and the analysis and recommendations from the Strategic Environmental Assessment (KLHS).
There are 4 Urban Area Sections (BWP) planned for Wonosobo Regency. The forms of arrangement prepared include:
Arrangement of the Ahmad Yani Corridor.
Structure of the TOD Station area.
Development of the Wonolelo Sports area.
The array of corridors of agro-industrial areas.
Interpretation of nature-based eco-tourism and agriculture.
Placement of commercial tourism support services at the Dieng KSPN.
Management of homestays in urban settlements.